Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Sick days...

Ok, so apologies for the lack of blogging the past couple of weeks, but I was busy, and then got ill. Bad times. I'll try and remember what I've done but it may not be in any great detail!

Tues (date of last blog evening): was the thanksgiving dinner at patterson. It was nice...ish, but lacked a bit of gravy. And we had to queue, in the rain.

Weds: went to Downtown Disney with Texas and went to the new chicken place which was nice. Then did some shopping before heading to work. Slept post work because wasn't feeling well (take 1).

Thurs: work...then after work went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter with half the UK pavilion. Was good?

Friday: was our 1 month as "the fam" anniversary so we went for brekkie at trail's end at Fort Wilderness. I didn't mind getting up that early for breakfast pizza and other buffet delights. Our server Ken was awesome, and chatted to us more when he knew we were cast members, which normally doesn't happen. After we got the boat to magic kingdom where we did a few rides before heading back for my EMH shift. Bus back was interesting. While Jenna was sleeping I ended up talking to a guy about my opinions of the economic situation in the UK....why did he care...oh well it was funny anyway.

Saturday: work was funny. Fell over, during photo with a child. EMBARRASSING. Saturday eve went to tori's for a bit before sleeping.

Sunday: had work again...then PARLIAMENT. Which was again crazy. We shall not speak of the taxi floor incident, however the photobooth pics of me and daniel are just classic. Pure genius.

Monday: Daniel's birthday so headed to Beaches and Cream at the Yacht and Beach Club (which is awesome, remind me to stay there) where we had a kitchen sink. It was BIG, and had everything, except they could have done with omitting the sponge. Then we headed to Hollywood Studios where we rode Tower as per usual (quickly becoming my fave ride) and then Dan's present was a giftcard to spend in the store so he bought a dressing gown. Afterwards was lasses, which was a takeover so that was fun...then there was an international party so I saw some of the people from my arrival group etc...

Tuesday: had an epic theme park day. Went to Hollywood with Sophie and did some of the smaller rides like muppets and backlot tour, indiana...tower...then we headed to MK for a bit. Was meant to meet up with Dan and other people at the polynesian to watch wishes but ended up geting stuck behind the parade so didn't make it. Andrea and Stu joined us though and we went on loads of rides cos it was EMH!! Didn't get in until after 1.30 pm...

Weds: was not a good day. I got ill. We won't do details, but I ended up being sent home from work. I did get to meet Kit Heath the jewellery designer though.

Thursday: Was thanksgiving, and I got the strength to go to work...to find out I had some training that was rescheduled. That also meant I was late because I didn't know it had been rescheduled. Whoops. Felt ok, but was glad not to be on registers.

Friday-Sat-Sun: Too ill. Barely left my bed. Not good.

Monday: went to the doctors. Service not great but I did get a print out of my diagnosis so that was handy. Not impressed with costs though...need to get onto my insurance. Then came back and went back to bed. Although the nice thing about spending time in my apartment is that I found the time to talk to my Namibian room-mate, as she works totally different hours because she's in Animal Kingdom. We had good convo about Americans and their lack of understanding of the different cultures. From an intellectual point of view, it was good talking to her as I'd learnt a lot about Southern African relations in my degree last year, so it was nice to hear stuff from someone that lives there!!

Tuesday= today= lazy day. Everyone else is going to Mickey's Xmas Party and I'm gutted to be missing it. But I can't really move that far. My bed to the sofa is far enough!!

x x x x

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